Small Farmers: Register Now for Fall, Winter and Spring Online Courses at Cornell University
Whether you are a seasoned, new, or aspiring farmer, there's something for you in the line-up of online courses presented by the Cornell Small Farms Program and Cornell Cooperative Extension. View all the courses at
There are courses covering commercial production topics like raising veggies, berries, and poultry, and many more covering management of a successful farm, including business planning, holistic financial planning, marketing, and getting started in farming.
Take advantage of this opportunity to interact with other farmers, develop your farming plans, and learn new skills from the comfort of your own home. Most courses are 6 weeks long and a bargain at $200 each.
Marketing 101
- Marketing Terminology
- Understanding Marketing Claims (Grass Fed, etc.)
- Distribution Chains
- Establishing a Price for your Livestock
- Planning Breedings to Target Specific Holidays
- Informal NYC Marketing Tour
- Selling Smart
- NYC Animal Markets
- Northeastern Auction Barns
- Goat Meat Market Outlook - 2012
- Protection Available to Livestock Sellers
Live and Carcass Evaluation
- Grades of Goats and Lambs for Northeast Markets
- Sheep and Lamb Yield Grades
- Live Meat Goat Selection Standards
- Evaluating Easter or Hothouse Kids
- Evaluating Market Kids
- Sheep and Goat Dressing Percentages
- Factors Affecting Dressing Percentages
- Body Condition Scoring Goats
Carcass & Retail Cut Evaluation
- Processing Terminology
- Breaking Down a Goat Carcass
- Retail Cut Distribution - Market Kid
- Retail Cut Distribution - Dairy Kid
- Retail Cut Distribution - Cull Dairy Doe
Religious Slaughter
Methods And Strategies
- Direct On-Farm Marketing
- Marketing Through Livestock Auction Markets
- Marketing Through Dealers, Packers, Wholesalers & Retailers
- Marketing Through Restaurants & Specialty Shops
- Retailing Lamb and Goat Meat Cuts
- Potential for Mobile Processing
- Specialty Market Pooling - 1st Choice Lamb Pool
- NESGMP New Holland Goat Sale Experience
- NESGMP Market Pooling to Live Animal Markets
- Report on the First Choice Lamb Marketing Pool
Marketing Spreadsheets - calculating costs to:
Marketing Projects
- Capricorn Hill Small Ruminant Meat Processing Project
- An Example of Lamb & Goat Meat Market Research
- Pride of New York Marketing Initiative
- Training & Certification Program - American Institute for Goat Research
- Penn State Sheep Home Study Course
- Penn State Meat Goat Home Study Course
- Humane On-farm Slaughter Poster
- Small Ruminant List Serv
Funding Sources